Just as the most famous drink in our country is beer, kvass in Eastern Europe, and wine in the south of the continent, the South African region has a number one drink. This is rooibos tea, also known as “red tea” because of its slightly brownish-red color.
Rooibos tea is made by grinding a plant called Cape tea, which is only found in this region. Therefore, if anyone claims to have brought back real rooibos tea from a vacation in Egypt, they are either lying or the victim of a scam. Harvesting of the tea plants takes place from late August to early September. Once harvested, the tea leaves are crushed and undergo oxidation. During this process, the tea takes on its characteristic color. However, there are more varieties of this tea. Some are flavored, others are green. There are also pure black teas that have not undergone fermentation.
Why should we include this tea in our daily diet? Tea contains many minerals and antioxidants. In Africa, it is customary to drink it with milk and sugar instead of coffee. However, it is always better not to add milk or sugar if you are only consuming it for its benefits. If you want to lose weight, drink one cup an hour before exercise. Rooibos tea, like green and black tea, also contains theine. Rooibos tea contains ingredients like green and black tea. It has similar effects to black pu-erh tea.
In Africa, it is widely used in traditional medicine. In particular, it is believed to be useful in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema and various allergies to pollen and dust. In this connection, it is also said to be excessively helpful in respiratory diseases such as asthma. It also contains substances commonly used in cancer treatment.
When choosing rooibos, pay attention to its place of origin. Proper rooibos tea should be made from Cape tea in South Africa. It is worth paying a little more for. It can be made at home with an ordinary kettle, cup and tea strainer.