The game has a very good effect on a person and has such a calming effect. You can relax mentally with them. Unless, of course, you are playing for a large amount of money. And, unfortunately, this happens very often. Is it still a game?
During the Communist era, gambling was explicitly prohibited and severely persecuted and punished. The cloth player, also known as God\’s Blessing, ran away like a hare when the police raided and no one knew anything. Only after the revolution, gambling relaxed, and hell began on Earth. Well, for some players. Because they did not know that they were becoming increasingly dependent.
This is mainly due to slot machines. Psychologists can say what they want, but their learned babbling can not deny the facts. Or do you know someone who is obsessed with chess, dominoes and mikade? Know. Or someone else. Although we certainly count the tens, if not hundreds, of people who are obsessed with slot machines. Because not all addictions have to end with robbery or murder. Still, she is very dangerous. It is not only the player himself that is at risk, but also his family. They do not care that the children do not have clothes and food, but in every crown they rush to the slot machine to play and play. I knew a guy who got a salary and went straight to the vending machine with it. He threw everything there, and then he wanted to borrow. But now everyone knew him, so he went home without money. His wife and children were supported by his mother. How it ended, I do not know, I have never met him again.
Of course, the ban on slot machines does not solve this, because anyone who wants to play will always find a way out. It is true that there are not so many illegal gambling halls in our country, but perhaps even illegal. Indeed, it is not a small town that does not last long.
Addiction can be treated in any case. But it is a long and awkward path, requires a strong spirit, and above all a very strong will.