Do you have sports in your blood? If you are really like me, you probably like running and skiing too. I started skiing when I was about 6 years old. But I was really scared at first, and I also noticed that when I watched videos and my instructor showed me videos, some people were falling really well. Most of them were little kids. My mom told me that if I didn\’t want to go skiing, I didn\’t have to. But it was mainly my father who forced me and my brother to ski. My father was really good at skiing, and then he tried snowboarding.
My father really had sports in his blood. And I would mention physical activity, but I was closer to tennis. Tennis was fun. I didn\’t want to disappoint my father. I didn\’t want my father, his only daughter, to tell me that I didn\’t want to ski at all. My brother had already rejected it. Besides, her brother prefers soccer and sometimes hockey. A sport is a sport, and you can\’t choose it. It is obvious that sports choose people. Because one cannot choose what one enjoys. One may definitely become obsessed with some sport and pursue it, but one cannot choose what one enjoys.
Unfortunately, however, for me tennis was quite expensive. Even though I already had a part-time job to earn money, it wasn\’t enough. Yes, I had an allowance from my parents, but it still wasn\’t enough to pay for tennis lessons. My mother supported it, but after my father started living away from us, she didn\’t give us a penny. Of course, my brother and I took a hit. Unfortunately my brother and I had to stop going to sports activities because my mother could no longer pay for soccer and tennis clubs, but we still went to the playground and went running and cycling with friends. Now I have a partner and my partner also likes to play tennis with me.