When we talk about hacking, we must first state what the term means. In other words, hacking is the activity of exploiting security holes in computer systems. In short, it is a remote attack on a computer. The purpose may be financially motivated, especially if the attacker is hacking into an online banking system, or it may be purely out of concern for the economy. In other cases, the motivation may be to hurt the other person, for example by exposing intimate photos on the web and humiliating him or her.
How do I know if my computer has been hacked?
It may not be obvious at first glance, but it can be immediately obvious, for example, if an attacker is using photos elsewhere on the web that we only store on our computers and have never shown to anyone. Another case might be where typing an address into a web browser automatically redirects you to another location. The least obvious case is when someone breaks into our computers for the purpose of watching us through cameras.