How interested in a man. It is plain and simple. Just a little thing, and he will see only you. You want to pick up the man of your dreams. Let me show you some little things that will definitely work.
First, show the effort. Strive, but be careful, it should be casual, and we will certainly give you the impression that it is his fault a well, elegant and sexy dress. Show that you are a woman who takes care of yourself. Well-groomed hair, light makeup, some jewelry, and I\’m sure he will notice you.
Second, it is mysterious. Do not tell him in detail every day. Leave something for yourself, let him think and think about how you can spend time. It is very good to know and feel each other.
Third, be indifferent. Men do not like it when you stick to them like chewing gum and you are completely blown away by them. That\’s why it\’s good to keep your distance.
Fourth, open. Yes, it is not difficult to be mysterious and open. The important thing is not to lie to him, but to communicate without revealing the details. Men really do not care.
Fifth, be yourself. You are beautiful, wonderful, intelligent and fun. Believe it, do not pretend. Do not play something you do not, it is definitely not good. If you\’re not good enough, it\’s not worth it.
Six Smiles When you smile, you radiate positive energy, and that\’s not what everyone likes. It is very attractive to have a shine and shine in your eyes, and men like it very much. Every person, if not happy, wants to see you laughing in his company.
seven, will be detained. You have to learn to be a woman. Please respect yourself. Make your partner feel like a knight fighting for you.
Eighth, do not gossip. Never slander someone on your date. Do not talk dirty or have sex with other women or men. Save gossip not for the person you are interested in, but for your best friend.
Ninth, appreciate it. Jen se nebojte ho pochválit,nebo ho obdivovat. Ale zachovejte se přitom normálně,bušte sama sebou. Nemusíte se při pochvale k němu rozplěvat jako zjevení.
The Desate, nebušte samozšejmostí. Nenechte muže myslet si, že jste tu vždy pro njj, počkáte na njj. Yen Ash Se Pukuni Snaisi.