Women and men have been enemies almost since ancient times. And even though we cannot exist without each other in our lives, we are constantly fighting. And we try to understand each other somehow. It is not always easy. But that is what makes our relationship worthwhile. And even if we make fun of each other from time to time, it never lasts long. And we are reminded of how important it is to have a partner in our lives that we can count on, a partner who will always support us in difficult situations, a partner with whom we can find loving arms and comfort. But have we ever thought about how hard that is for us women? How much time do we spend making sure that everyone in our families and close ones are happy? And do we always have what they need? Have we ever thought about how much effort it takes to do that? I certainly have. And if you haven\’t thought about it yet, it\’s time you started.
But don\’t just think about it, actively help women. And, of course, reward them with a nice smile, a caress, a kind word, and in many cases, there is always a surprise waiting for them in the evening that will surely please them. And wouldn\’t it be nice to please a woman in that way? It is worth it. And it doesn\’t always have to be fine jewelry or a gift. Often, your appreciation or consideration will suffice. Or it can simply be time spent alone together. Then tell your partner how beautiful she is and how much you appreciate being her. Then you will literally see miracles begin to happen.
Women, for example, need to know they will get as much space as they need. That neither maids nor robots play a role in your family. Let her know that you value her enough to give her space. Perhaps every woman will appreciate having some time to herself. And your relationship with the children will deepen as you take them out for a while. And know that if you help with something around the house or clean up after yourself, your wife will notice and appreciate it. If you make your wife happy, you will be happy with her. Spend at least five minutes every day talking about how beautiful your wife is and how good you feel when she is around. And once a month, plan a romantic dinner or a movie just the two of you. And try to laugh more and not stress.