I always wanted to be a scientist or interesting reading or something interested in science. I think every child would probably be interested in what science is and how it works. What about the human body? Or what about animal life on safari or in Greenland? When I was a kid, I loved watching all kinds of movies and cartoons. But those were experiments that kids would do in kindergarten or something. Now there are experiments like making crystals. Now I have a young son, and he is also making crystals in kindergarten with his teacher and other kids.
My son is having a great experience and he\’s really enjoying it. Today is an age of progress, so even little kids are learning about science and things like that. I enjoy it a lot. I remember in elementary school we did an experiment with salt water and string. We would put a lot of salt in cold water. My mother always scolded me, but it was just homework, and I had to take the salt whether she liked it or not.
It was supposed to be a week-long assignment. Because after putting the salt in the water, I had to do an experiment. Because after the salt was put in the water, they had to do an experiment. When the salt water evaporated, there were beautiful little crystals on the string, like snowflakes, but they were salt. I thought those scientific experiments were really interesting and fun. So I then decided that I wanted to be a scientist, too, and I went to college for science, but it didn\’t work out, and I just took a gimnasium. But I\’m still attracted and fascinated by science.