These days, the majority of people use flat rate plans that include mobile data as well as SMS and free minutes. This allows them to use many apps that include actual data, such as weather forecasts and maps. Of course, they can also write and read e-mail, browse social networks, use messengers and other communication platforms. You can even order a meal or a cab. In short, there are many reasons to have mobile data. Most people today cannot live without mobile data.
We have become accustomed to being online anytime, anywhere. However, many carriers offer a limited amount of data, and when users run out before the end of the month, they usually never get online again. Some offer the option of buying more data or reducing Internet speeds. However, most people try to connect to a public wireless network outside because they are left completely without data. But that is risky.
Connecting to a public wifi is a good idea, firstly because you save money because you don\’t use up all your data, and secondly because it\’s free.Wifi is mainly offered in cafes and restaurants, but you can also find it on buses and inside train stations. The problem is that few people know how dangerous it is to use such unencrypted wifi.
Most people use mobile banking with banking apps on their phones. In essence, they are storing very sensitive data on their phones that they don\’t want to lose. The problem is that public wireless LANs can be hacked very easily and siphon off data from everyone who connects. This includes access to credit cards. As a user, you may not notice it right away, but over time you may notice that money starts disappearing from your account or that someone connects to your social network and changes your password. Therefore, it is better to allow them to go online without mobile data.