The Green Deal – Our End

The Green Deal is a document that commits the EU to being carbon neutral. Someone has decided that carbon dioxide is the greatest evil that has befallen our solar system. The problem is that we also need this compound to live. But someone in the EU has decided that the EU will live entirely without CO2. In other words, the EU leaders are thinking about how to destroy – sorry, improve – the lives of the people of Europe. Unfortunately, Fiala also unexpectedly signed on to this travesty. So what good things lie ahead for us thanks to Fiala?

protest ekologie

Not that the previous administration was much better, not at all. But Fiala has ensured that the number of people living in poverty will increase dramatically. Many people are already struggling to make ends meet. Everything is getting more expensive all the time. And it is about to get worse. Gasoline prices will rise by at least 10 kronor, and everything from medicines, food, clothing, and transportation will go up in price. To protect the planet, the EU has banned single-use plastics, but Asia, America, and Africa are awash in them.

Given the ludicrous goals the EU is imposing on us, many companies are already moving their production out of Europe. Thus, Europe is losing its competitive edge and becoming a kind of scandal for a continent that was once a model for the rest of the world. We had everything, now we have nothing. We don\’t even have politicians who want to save us from this grit.

elektrické auto

The EU is smart. They are selling “emission allowances” to save the planet. Of course, this only puts billions of dollars in the pockets of the EU\’s upper echelons. Selling this newfangled thing will not make the planet greener. While ordinary citizens are looking forward to losing their cars, homelessness, and futures, the EU\’s top politicians can\’t wait for their cars, planes, and vacations to be theirs again. We are returning to socialism, but few people realize it. We have just lost one of our last possible bailouts when the man behind this madness, Lyen, was re-elected as head of the EU.